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Commission Status: Open!

Simple Flat Colour Illustration

  • Headshot - £25

  • Halfbody - £35

  • Fullbody - £45

  • Commissioned pieces will be posted on social media unless asked otherwise.

  • Prices for commissions are for personal use only. If you would like to use my art for commercial purposes, please discuss additional prices with me.

  • Always give credit to me for the art wherever used.

  • I would prefer to receive an email though you may contact me on any social media platform.

  • Payment is made through Paypal only.

  • I require full payment before I begin work.

  • All commissions will be completed within 2 weeks. If you would like the commissioned art to be completed as fast as possible (guaranteed within 3 days) there may be an additional fee.

  • You may request a full refund ONLY if I have not started work on the piece. You may request half a refund if I have completed a sketch.

  • When asking for a commission, please send me either a detailed description or an image reference.

  • Once I have finished, I will send a full PNG file of the image. Please ask if you would also like me to send a transparent version of the image.

  • DO NOT use my art to promote any form of hate.

  • DO NOT claim the artwork as your own.

  • Please note- I am best at drawing humanoid characters.

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